Task step configuration in Integray can be saved in two modes:
- Private
- Public
Here is couple of consideration you should make before clicking save button.
- Configuration visibility can’t be changed after save. Once you choose Private it will remain private and vice versa.
- Private configuration can be used on other task step within the current task.
- Public configuration can be used only any task within the current company.
My recommendation:
- In case I have connection string to database that I’ll maybe use on some other task then I’ll save it as public.
- In case I have SQL or JS code then I’ll for sure save it as private as it not probable that I’ll use it somewhere else.
- In case of definition of RestAPI (URL and authorisation) then I’ll also save as public as its very likely I’ll use it is some other task.
- On the other side the API and payload definition of RestAPI I’ll save as private as I may not use it on other task.