Preview Features in Integray

Preview Features in Integray

We’re excited to introduce new features labeled as “Preview” in Integray. These features are not fully completed but are available for early access. By offering these features, we allow you to try them out and provide feedback.


The purpose of the preview features is to give you early access to new functionalities. This early access allows you to:

  • Explore and utilize new functionalities ahead of their full release.
  • Provide valuable feedback that can help improve the features before their official release.
  • Plan and prepare for the adoption of new features in your workflows.

Key points to note

  • Development stage: Features with a Preview label are at an early stage of development and will continue to evolve.
  • Production environment: Full functionality for production environments is not guaranteed. Please thoroughly consider using the preview features in a production environment.
  • Updates: These features will be updated regularly, adding additional functionalities over time.
  • Documentation: Documentation for preview features will be provided, but it may be less comprehensive compared to fully released features.

Identifying preview Features

You can identify the preview features by a Preview label or icon. When you hover your cursor over the label, a popover will appear, providing additional information and a link to the relevant documentation.


The preview features allow you to access and test new functionalities before their full release. These features are in early development and will be continuously updated with additional functionalities. We encourage you to explore these preview features and share your feedback to help us enhance the Integray platform.

Feel free to start a discussion or ask questions about these preview features in this forum. Your insights are invaluable in helping us improve!

We look forward to your participation and feedback. Thank you for helping us make Integray better!

Best regards,
The Integray Team

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Hi everyone :blush:,

How stable are the preview features? Can I use them in my production environment, or should I stick to fully released features? This new feature sounds interesting, and I’d love to try it out.

Thanks for your advice and experiences!


Hi Andrea,

Thank you for your question :slight_smile:

The preview features are in an early stage of development, which means they are still evolving and may not have full functionality. While you can explore and test these features, we recommend using them with caution in production environments. For critical production workflows, we advise sticking to the fully released features to ensure reliability and stability.

We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing about your experiences with the preview features!

Best regards,
The Integray Team

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