Error behaviour configuration

I have recently got the trial version and I am playing around with some connectors to understand how the platform works. My problem today is with error behaviour. I am interested in more details about this settings. I want to make sure that my integrations are stopped when there is a problem and I can see it in the taskrun log. What should I do? Please can you explain the behaviour? Thank you. AS77

Hi Andrea,

here is a nice article in our help center: Tasks - Help center

This explains how task execution behaves in case there is an error generated by the step. It can be easily considered as two options that are multiplied:

  • What should happen with task status in case of step failure:
    • Task failure (status - 3xx - failure).
    • Step failure (in case nothing else fails the task status will return 2xx - success).
  • Continue in execution:
    • Stop in case of error so no more step is executed in the current task branch.
    • Continue in the execution of the current branch to the next step.

Regards, Tomas.

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