Company setup - Task step behaviour - data snapshot


would you consider amending current functionality of “default” task step behaviour on company? Particularly data snapshot?

If i am not mistaken, the setup is taken over as a pre-defined value when creating a new task step but i think, it would be helpful to have a possibility to have some kind of a job which would take all task steps and re-set step behaviour (data snapshot) according to this setup.

This could come in handy to not to fill up database for instance when forgetting setting task step data snapshot back to “never” or “on error”.


Thank you for considering.

Hi Petr,

this can be done using “config transfer”. You can download the latest setup and upload it back to the transfer. Then you can use data snapshot overrride.

I do not recommend to change behaviour for “On empty output” and “Error behaviour” in mass way as it may change how integration works.


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