Feature: Filtering by number

I know it is possible to set filter on task steps using input/output data to ensure whether a task run should continue with subsequent step or stop or take another branch, which is a great functionality.

You can do that on “String” columns. What if it was also be possible to set filter on “Number” columns with filtering options:

  • Equals
  • Not equals
  • Less than
  • Greater than
  • Less than or equals
  • Greater than or equals


Thank you.

This feature is in development and will bring much wider possibilities to filter based on column data type. It will be possible to define multiple conditions for one line with “or” operator.

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“Or” operator sounds great :).

Here is short description of new feature:

Extension of current input data mapping filtering. Currently we can use only “equals” and not “equals” options. Extension of filtering will bring different possibilities for different column data types. In case there is filter defined on more than one column then there is logical operator “and” between them. I can define multiple conditions on one line and there will be logical operator “or” in case more filters are defined on the same line.

Data type: integer, double

  • equal
  • not equal
  • greater
  • less
  • greater or equal
  • less or equal
  • in
  • not in
  • between
  • not between

Data type: bool

  • Is true
  • Is false

Data type: date time

  • equal
  • not equal
  • greater
  • less
  • greater or equal
  • less or equal
  • between
  • not between

Data type: string

  • equal
  • not equal
  • contains
  • not contains
  • in
  • not in

Data type: Base64

  • No filtering

Data type: JSON

  • No filtering

For “in” and “not in” condition the input will contain comma separated values for evaluation.

For “between” and “not between” we need to input two values.

For “Is true” and “Is false” there is no input.