Using of filters in Integray

What does the in/not in filter do for text values (string)? How can I use it?

Hello Alya,

In the context of filtering text values (strings):

  • IN Operator: This allows you to filter results based on a specific list of values. If the string is found within the list you provided, it will be included in the results. For example, if you use the IN operator with the values “apple”, “banana”, and “cherry”, only records containing these exact strings will be shown.
  • NOT IN Operator: This works in the opposite manner. It filters out results based on a specific list of values. Using the NOT IN operator with the values “apple”, “banana”, and “cherry” would exclude any records containing these exact strings from the results.

To use them, simply choose the appropriate operator (IN or NOT IN) when setting up your filter criteria and then provide the list of strings you want to either include or exclude.

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