here is my solution:
I use this two APIs
https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/categories (list of exist categories )
https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random?category=something (one Chuck Norris joke selected by category)
First step is Node.js processor with output String.
Here is the code, I use fetch function:
const response1 = await fetch("https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/categories", {
method: "get",
}).then(response => {
return response.json()
let response2 = response1.map(function (x) {
return {
"Text": x
return response2;
Second step is Node.js processor with input and output String, Input processing
is Bulk
maximum = inputData.length - 1
//number of rows = number of jokes in Excel
//here we select three pseudo-random categories and save them to the data schema
return [
{"Text": inputData[Math.floor(Math.random() * maximum)].Text},
{"Text": inputData[Math.floor(Math.random() * maximum)].Text},
{"Text": inputData[Math.floor(Math.random() * maximum)].Text}
Third step is Node.js processor with input String and output JSON, Input processing
is Row by row
//here we call API with three pseudo-random categories from the previous step
//and save them to the new JSON data schema
const response1 = await fetch("https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random?category="+inputData[0].category, {
method: "get",
}).then(response => {
return response.json()
return [
Json1: response1,
Fourth step is JSON Parser with input JSON and output String columns with parse JSON
Fifth step is Excel Serializer with input String columns and output Excel Serializer Output (1.0.0), Input processing is Bulk
Here I simply assign the columns from the data schema correctly
Sixth step is JS Mapper with input Excel Serializer Output (1.0.0) and output E-Mail Send (1.0.1)
Simple code is:
return [
"Subject": "Jokes with Chuck Norris theme",
"From": [{
"Name": "Community integray",
"Address": "something@mail.com"
"To": [{
"Name": "Receiver Alex Green",
"Address": "something2@mail.com"
"BodyType": "html",
"Body": "<center><h2><p><a href='https://integray.com/'>via integray</a></p></h2></center>",
"Attachment": [{
"Name": inputData[0].Filename,
"Content": inputData[0].Data
Seventh step is Seznam SMTP Sender Connector
Here we enter the login data for the mail that will send the mail
Modifications: Of course, you can modify the task, not draw categories and send only one random mail by this API: https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random
If you try it, definitely write about it on the forum, we are curious about your solution.
Thanks for your attention