Using letters for parsing with Excel parser connector

Hello. I want to start using the Excel parser connector in my work. But I am confused that for parsing indexes in columns I need to enter numbers, because I work in A1 style and my Excel tables are very large and I don’t want to have to recalculate every time which letter of the column corresponds to which number. Maybe I’ve seen an older version of this connector and a new one is coming out soon, I don’t know. But I would be glad if I could use letters for parsing column indexes, because in my Excel table I prefer to use A1 reference style and I don’t use R1C1 and it’s not convenient to switch between styles all the time. Thank you.

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Hi Ali,
the Excel Parser connector allows you to specify the processed columns from the input data only with
their indexes or names.

When you want to use column names to filtering columns set in the “Excel Parser Schema” configuration property “Parsed Columns” to value “List of column names” and specify columns names, e.g. Column1, Column2, Column3 and so on

This can solve your situation with often recalculating column indexes.


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Hi Ali,
I can make you happy! In the newest version of Excel Parser connector (v 3.2.1), when selecting the value of the List of Column Indexes in the Excel Parser Schema - you can specify either a numeric value of the indexes or a letter value. It depends on the style, A1 or R1C1, that you use in your Excel document. The documentation for the updated version of the connector is under development, but you can use our new product today.
Have a nice day, Julie.


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