Migration from DX2.0 into Integray

I prepared for you short guide on how to migrate settings from Xeelo DX into Integray.

  1. You have to have version 2023-01.001 deployed on Xeelo DX.
  2. Go to Company → Transfer settings → Export to Integray
  3. Log into integray
  4. Create new company
  5. Switch OFF orchestrator on company level
  6. Go to Company → Config transfer → Upload
  7. Process the file but do not publish configuration yet
  8. Make all task suspended - you do this from task grid
  9. Publish configuration
  10. Identify connectors with “data checkpoint” and upload data checkpoint for appropriate task step
  11. Go task by task and check all the settings
  12. Switch ON orchestrator on company level
  13. If task is ok then make it runnable, publish and test it
  14. Repeat step 12 and 13 for all tasks

Here are few screens on how you can update “data checkpoint” in task design mode:

Here I want to provide data checkpoint for IMAP reader connector in order NOT to process already loaded emails again.



is there any recommendation on agents running on a local infrastructure, please? Should they be replaced by Integray agents?

Thank you!

Yes, in case of agents are used then you have to switch off orginal once and replace with new one. The reason is different GUID and URL of back-end. As well as binaries for Integray agents are different as it runs on .Net 6.0.

It is also recommended to check if you don’t have scheduler for DX2.0 agents. You have to disable it or remove it form scheduler settings. Then you cna schedule to run new agent.

New agent can run on Windows, Linux and MacOS platform. The only requirement is to have .Net 6.0 installed on the machine.